Sunday, July 21, 2013

Emily, Victorian Bride is out!

Here's the blurb:
My fingers were clumsy on the latch, but at last the cover swung up to reveal, on a display surface of black velvet, something made of white silk and ornamented with lace; what it was was at first impossible to discern, as I had never seen anything like it before. Though it was folded slightly at the bottom, it was obviously fashioned from less material than a pocket handkerchief. 
“I shall not make you guess what it is, Miss Orn, since I can tell that you have not the slightest idea. It is a bridal garment that Mr. Wilkes has selected for you. You will wear it on your wedding day.” 

I spoke despite myself. “A garment? How can this be a garment?”

The 21st book of Explorations takes the series in a startling new direction. Real Emily, to escape from the fantasies about Sarah that have been tormenting her, has her avatar fantasy-Emily receive a manuscript written by her great-great-grandmother and namesake, Emily Orn. That manuscript tells an astonishing story: Emily Orn and her husband Edmund Wilkes were part of a "Great Drama" of Dominance and submission in Victorian England, and the first part of Emily Orn's "Bride's Tale" narrates the beginning of her initiation into that drama at the hands of Mrs. Smith, whose establishment has the mission of preparing submissive brides for their wedding-nights.

This book of EXPLORATIONS contains fiction elaborating the following sorts of fantasy that you may wish to avoid: ff, Ff, spanking. It's intended for over-18 audiences who, like me, are interested in exploring the lines between pleasure and pain, dominance and submission, and fantasy and reality. All characters depicted are consenting adults.

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