Friday, September 20, 2013

More Emily's Fitting #SatSpanks

I'm sure everyone wants to know what happens after the snippet in last week's post! Could Victorian Emily resist the temptation to abuse herself on the morning of her wedding-day?

Well, since the dénouement of that scene is postponed until Emily's Victorian Wedding-Night, due out in two weeks, I'll hang onto it until next time, and instead give you a snippet from the fitting-scene that gives the book its title. Some very naughty photographs are being taken, for the enjoyment of Mr. Wilkes, Victorian Emily's bridegroom.
There was no need, of course, for my participation in the imaginary scene embodied in my pose. But the basic structure of the pose called ‘the maiden flower’ conforms to an absolutely fundamental element of the bride’s, and wife’s, condition: so fundamental that it was not possible that day, nor is it ever possible when one submits to that position or any similar one (of which similars there are in fact many), to think of something else while one’s charms are being enjoyed, even if the enjoyment is purely visual. I could not stop myself from imagining Mr. Wilkes admiring the photograph, when Mrs. Smith would present it to him that evening (as I was sure she would; and in the event I was correct). I imagined him putting his cigarette between his lips to take the print in both hands and holding it up to a lamp, to see how fine was the detail. “Lovely, really lovely, Mrs. Smith,” he might say. “Did she protest much when you opened up the aide-mari? No? The little wanton! And so well brought up, too! I wager I can make her remember to protest when someone unwraps her little treasure. Look at that! You can see everything a bridegroom likes to see. She’ll spend a long time like this tomorrow, I can assure you; there’s a sofa in her room that I picked out for just this purpose. And then. . . well, you know—though she don’t!” and in my imagination he laughed at his urbane uncouthness, and I quailed at my terrible ignorance.
Here's the blurb (buy the book here!):
“Good morning, Miss Orn,” Mrs. Harrah said. Her voice was high, but pleasant, and confidential. “If you will come to stand here in front of me, we may begin. . . . Mrs. Smith, would you do the part of her maid?” 
“Of course, Mrs. Harrah. Miss Orn, your deportment during this fitting is subject to one very important rule: you must watch closely in the mirror. If I see you look away, you will feel my paddle upon your naked bottom yet again.” 
Mrs. Harrah spoke again. “Mrs. Smith, am I correct that we will be fitting only the aide-mari this morning? And Miss Orn will be returning for the petit-maître after the bride-night?” 
“Yes, Mrs. Harrah. Those are Mr. Wilkes’ wishes.” The petit-maître. The other article Edmund had requested under the term ‘instrument of discipline’. I feared and burned to know. 
“Very well. Miss Orn, please raise your hands and place them behind your head—it will be most comfortable for you if you lace your fingers together.” 
In the 26th book of Explorations, fantasy-Emily, now with her husband's permission (provided she can keep herself from auto-erotic temptation) continues to read of her great-great-grandmother's initiation as a submissive bride into a Great Drama of BDSM in Victorian England. 
This book of Explorations contains fiction elaborating the following sorts of fantasy that you may wish to avoid: Mf, Ff, anal, spanking. It's intended for over-18 audiences who, like me, are interested in exploring the lines between pleasure and pain, dominance and submission, and fantasy and reality. All characters depicted are consenting adults.
Read all the Saturday Spankings!


  1. Urbane uncouthness. Oh, how I love your careful choices of words. Each word adds to a rich layer you weave, creating a grand tapestry of atmosphere and detail. So I mixed metaphors. Oops. :)

  2. What a beautiful picture you paint with your words, Emily. The depiction of him putting his cigarette between his lips in order to use both hands to look at her photograph of 'the maiden flower' was very nice indeed.

  3. That made me totally hot while being so elegantly written. This might be one of my new favorite scenes.

  4. Love the writing. It so complements the story and theme. This could be a book written during Victorian times.

  5. He laughed...and I quailed...What a wonderful verbal ravishment, even if only in her mind!

  6. Elegant and delicious: There's something so wicked about imagining what someone else see when examining a compromising photo of oneself.

    1. Yes, and since he's well-off, he'll be having the traditional (in my fantasy Victorian BDSM world) paintings done! :D

  7. Beautifully elegant, and makes me want more and more.

  8. To paraphrase some of your words... You make our enjoyment deliciously visual. Beautiful

  9. Maiden flower...beautiful description. I love the idea of her sitting on the sofa displayed before him.

  10. Love the dichotomy of the Victorian age with naughtiness!

  11. Love the descriptions...her charms and treasures. I just downloaded one of your books for free. Thanks!

    1. Aw, thanks, Celeste! Warning 1-5 is extremely indelicate, especially at the beginning! :D

  12. Incredibly delicious. I just bought it...

  13. sighs... I love Mr. Wilkes :D how naughty :D

    1. Mr. Wilkes is a really fun character to write, because he's not supposed to be lovable, but nevertheless to push Victorian Emily's, er, buttons.

  14. Now that we know more about the aide-mari, you tease us with the petit-maitre especially since my french lessons tell me this translates to little master. I can't wait for more.

    1. Thanks, Maddie. I'll just tell you that I think the petit-maître delivers on the promise. . . :D

  15. Beautiful and hot!
    Nicely done, Emily!

  16. much you can convey with eight simple sentences. I'm counting down the days until the next eight.

    1. I'm afraid it will only be seven next week, and they're pretty tantalizing. . . but I also promise that I'll follow that up in two weeks with something a little more exacting, at least for Victorian Emily. :D

  17. I love the elegant, lively writing. Good work.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. You've done a good job with the Victorian feeling of her thoughts. Made me think of The Pearl, and a few other examples of Victorian erotica. Nicely written.
